Thursday, November 28, 2013

Honor Thanksgiving

Today is Thanksgiving, a holiday that is underrated, and yet, oh so important.

In the retail world’s lust for Black Friday sales, Thanksgiving is pushed to the side like my best friend pushes his green vegetables.

We go from Labor Day to Christmas with a slight pause for Halloween, as there are purchases to be made for that occasion.

Thanksgiving is the culmination of gratefulness to God, and for the bounty of this land we call the United States of America.

It is the epitome of a holiday that is solely ours, drawn from our history, and our Judeo-Christian heritage.

It is an American holiday birthed by our most compassionate, intelligent and sage President, Abraham Lincoln.

He felt that it should have a day set aside from work to remember the reason we are so blessed in this productive land.

A day to give thanks to God, and his Holy Son for all that we have.

We are going through a rough patch now, but even as it is, we are truly blessed. Most of us eat well every day. We have a roof over our heads. We are reasonably healthy. We can still think and breathe free. We have our liberty, even though it is in peril.

Today, as you gather with your family to eat and have fellowship, remember what you have, not what you do not have.

I saw it put best on a church sign,

“Don’t be so busy adding up your troubles, that you forget to count your blessings.”

God Bless You All and God Bless America!!!!


Friday, November 22, 2013

A Lament to Romance

I miss romance within a relationship.

When I was younger, relationships leaned more to deep friendship and romance.

Today’s young person will never know the joy of just holding hands, just kissing and hugging without pressure.


They are missing out on dancing.
I am not talking about the kind of bump and grind that they are calling dancing now.


I am not talking about the girls dancing in a circle with the other girls as if on display, waiting for a guy to bestow the honor of a one night stand on them.

I am talking about dancing as a social event. When couples would dance fast for a while, but then the DJ would slow it down.

The couple would embrace and sway to the music. Girls would put their head on his shoulder or dance cheek to cheek.

Guys would lead, either well or poorly, but they would dance their partner around to the music.

The feelings that one felt while slow dancing are incredible.

It used to be in the distant past, that every nice hotel or motel had a lounge.
In those days, most motels and hotels were nice. They were owned by people who cared, or companies with high standards.
They would have a band. The band would play dinner music in the lounge / restaurant until about 9pm.

Then the lights would go down and the dancing music would start.

Traveling was just so much more entertaining. You would always have a nice place to have a drink and a slow dance.

People used to dress nicer as well. No one ever even thought of wearing blue jeans to church, or to a social function.

These days, everyone is either half naked or a total slob.

Seems like to me, in light of the high divorce rate, we could all use a little more slow dancing.

Windows 8 - YYYYUUUCCCKKK!!!!!!!!!

I really hate Windows 8.

I have not spoken to one person who likes it.

I cannot find one quality to redeem it.

It totally SUCKS!!!